I am completely impressed by the Obama White House's approach to communications. Not only is the White House website beautiful, it's also very useful and informative. Whitehouse.gov is a case study for how businesses and agencies should use the web to connect with their audience. The key is to: 1. Communicate clearly Notice you don't see vague or ambiguous links that are designed to entice clicks - just strait forward, easy to read content. 2. Create relevancy by focusing on your content The interface is elegant, it does not get in the way of the important messages and it's easy to find the information that is most important to you. 3. Make it a three way conversation It's so easy these days to communicate with everyone. Sites that employ conversational methods engage people and create a positive experience. Using channels like email, facebook and twitter grow the conversation to a larger audience. Here's my mini review... (click to see my larger comments)
fitting all the pieces together