Last Wednesday I made my first Veggie Trade of the year. I had sprouted too many tomato plants and since I had no space in my garden for all of them I posted a listing on Veggie Trader , offering them up to anybody who wanted them. Within a couple of days of I had some responses, and on Wednesday Beth (the first responder) came to my home to swap. We had emailed already, Beth was picking up her CSA box and asked if I wanted to share some greens in exchange for my tomato plants. YES! I said, and Wednesday 6pm the tomato plants found a new home and I got dinner delivered to my door. As soon as the trade was made I took off to the Baltimore City Public Library to see Author Novella Carpenter present her book " Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer ". I haven't read the book yet but had caught Novella speaking on NPR earlier in the day and was intrigued. I'm not really a farmer but a girl can dream, right? Novella Carpenter gave a wonderful pre
fitting all the pieces together