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Showing posts from May, 2010

Form Follows Function - iPad Edition

I got an iPad. So far I love it. I feel like the chains have been broken and I no longer have to log incredible hours in front of my office & desktop setup. Even as I write this post I'm sitting in a bar, enjoying a glass of Cabernet and chit chatting with people, other iPad owners who also love the pad. It's way more social, more touchy-shareable than the iPhone and iPod touch. Before the pad was released I was working with chef author Eric Gower and I predicted that this device could empower kitchen cooks and be oh so more effective for reading recipes than the iPhone could ever be. Check out this post about a kitchen cabinet outfitted with an ipad cubby ... Something I literally spoke of, just ask Eric! Menus on My Mind I have more ideas, and Nelson, the owner of Grand Cru , the bar I'm writing this from agrees. This thing is going to revolutionize all menus forever. Yes menus. Why kill trees when you can just update some website? Like that Sangiovese? Read all

Logo & Web Solutions For The Low Tech World of Massage

Studioroom is pleased to announce the launch of an all new website, with all new branding for The San Francisco School of Massage . At first this project was daunting, trying to create a new logo for a venerated massage school. The world of massage makes me think of crystals, lavender and "new age" music. Most of what we see that is massage related are spa brochures and websites showing some woman relaxing in a peaceful setting. None of these things honestly depict a massage school. The task: Create a logo for a massage school that alludes to human anatomy without being too literal.   Logo design is an iterative process. So I started out with an exhaustive typeface search, then explored ideas for artwork. Through the process, clients and designer alike explore many logo variations and can determine what design works for the client's business... ...Winding up with a final logo design, and then translating that design into a website  - it's one of Studioroom'