I am very very thankful that I have a very short commute to work. I am thankful that I'm not paying for some stupid stranger's property investment. I'm so grateful everyday that the food I make tastes good. I am thankful for Baltimore, home of real - and real awesome - people. I am grateful that I work for myself. I am thankful that people want to work with me, even though the economy is in the tank. I am thankful that I can connect with, and stay in touch with so may people, all of the time, on the internet. I am grateful that I know how to communicate like a rational adult. Despite my Bachelors of Fine Art. I'm thankful for my incredible family - without all of their help in this recession I would be homeless, broke, and likely insane right now. I am grateful that my big mouth hasn't messed up too many things. Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
fitting all the pieces together